
Privacy is a concern of many users of social media. Completing your profiles on many social media sites may requires a boatload of personal information and allows us to share so much but sometimes its easy to take for granted what can be done with this information if it falls into the wrong hands. Companies like Facebook make it a priority to collect user data from our profiles but how much of it do they take and what do they do with it? How much of that data is considered confidential? What are the chances of your profile being hacked? There's so much to be afraid of. And the freedom we have to express ourselves and post what we want creates more opportunities for vengeful exposure of others at the expense of their dignity and pride. Identity theft is not the only concern. The mental health of users are at risk as well. It may also be worth wondering if the laws on privacy and confidentiality are strict enough to keep companies and individuals in check. 


  1. This is so true, we sometimes tend to share more than even requested! And companies like Facebook do indeed make it a priority to collect user data from our profiles and are able to share it too others if we do not stop them. And if we want to stop them it’s really hard because a bunch of writing come’s up that makes it really hard for the user to even understand. And i think your last point is very important, and I think they are not strict enough and should be monitored by the government.


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